
It's a bad feeling alright but I don't know if it makes you an evil person.

A pen in hand can literally mean a pointed gun. At someone or something. Or even oneself.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the thing has to be materialistic. It can be an idea, a dream, a resolution of some kind.
As for the reason of the killing it can be human instinct for survival, revenge, hate etc. Reasons as deep and dark as the oceans. And deeper.
Keep in mind though that the dangerous weapon is just a pen i.e. the typewriter or laptop. But it can kill as well.

I don’t know it there’s a human being that hasn’t felt that killing vibe in their core.
It’s a bad feeling alright but I don’t know if it makes you an evil person.
Probably a judge who has sentenced people who have committed a murder wouldn’t know more about it than us commons. At the end of the day it comes down to the evil intention, the misdeed and the circumstances, rather than the character of the person committing a crime. Just in parenthesis.

With this said, it doesn’t make it easier for a writer or non-writer to kill nonetheless with a pen. And things need to die sometimes. At times just for the sake of something else being born or surviving.

It’ll be all right, no doubt.


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