10/08/2018<29/09/2018 Tongue twister / Брзозборка од Билјана Ѓонеска Take versatile words And put them in a verse Then place verse versus verse On repeat and reverse
13/04/2018<05/06/2018 ILL-LUCK LOVE-STRUCKS од Билјана Ѓонеска Dramatic Neurasthenic or hectic Schizophrenic
16/11/2017<18/12/2017 SKOPJANEC од Елена Пренџова I only run into you in remote areas never on the streets of Skopje at railway stations and in foreign lands in places with few happy faces and a lot of crying parting faces
10/07/2017<06/09/2017 LOVE (PER)MUTATIONS од Билјана Ѓонеска “To exchange glances instead of sounds / To communicate through fluids instead of words”
05/05/2017<05/05/2017 A SONG FOR EVERY SEASON од Билјана Ѓонеска I’ll turn and turn in circles, while it flies around the world.